Kiwanis Club of Douglaston & Big Apple joined the pandemic relief efforts.
Summer heat can be a threat to anyone, especially the elderly, those with medical conditions, or people without air conditioning. To help those in need beat the inevitable heat, the Kiwanis Club of Douglaston & Big Apple have partnered with all the Kiwanis Clubs in Queens east division to provide fans to the local shelters. We delivered over 50 units of fans to 3 different shelters. Special thanks to all the donors and members who helped on this project, especially during this difficult time. Kiwanis Clubs of Douglaston and Big Apple are committed to help, support, and engage any activities that could reshape the community. As part of the pandemic relief effort, we are partnered with New York State Senator, John Liu’s office in distributing PPE supply to local churches. Through the help from our Distinguished Lt. Governor, Sandy Liu, and President-Elect, Chung Dick, more than 500 surgical masks are distributed to the local churches as part of the awareness program to keep the community safe from COVID-19 spread. “Kiwanis is an organization that cares about all the important issues in the community we served. Actions speak louder than words, we hope our relief efforts can encourage more people to learn about our clubs and eventually participate in our programs.” Chung Dick said.
夏日炎炎炎的气候对任何人,尤其是老年人,病患或没有家里无空调的人构成威胁。为了帮助需要帮助的人克服不可避免的酷暑,道格拉斯顿与大苹果同济会一起与皇后区东区的所有分会发起了发送电风扇运动。我们向皇后区3个不同的庇护收容个项目提供帮助的所有捐赠者和义工成员,特别是在这个困难时期能够雪中送炭。道格拉斯顿与大苹果同济会是一个致力参与慈善活动的团体,我们的宗旨是打造和谐社会。作为新冠肺炎救灾工作的一部分,我们与纽约州参议员刘醇逸的团队合作,向当地多个教会分发个人防护设备。在我们的同济皇后东区的杰出副总监刘仙蒂和下任会长狄锺琪的带领之下,分发了500多个口罩为提升民众对新冠病毒防范意识出一份力量。 大苹果同济会会长狄锺琪说:“ 国际同济会是一个关怀社区的慈善组织。我们希望通过我们这次的行动能够鼓励更多人了解我们的组织和参与我们的慈善项目。”