2018-2019 Distinguished Lieutenant Governor & Distinguished Club Recipients Announced at The Kiwanis’s Mid-Year Conference.
The recipient of the 2018-2019 Distinguished Lieutenant Governor is Sandy Liew, Lt. Governor of Queen East Division. This prestigious award honors an individual who has made significant contributions to the community and the club members in the district. “Sandy Liew has continuously found innovative ways to bring quality leadership to our clubs, I am honored to work alongside with her,” said Anthony Tam, PR Manager The Kiwanis Club of Douglaston. “She has lent her vision and wisdom to shape the clubs. Her leadership has given countless opportunities to flourish.” Constance Sung, Treasurer of The Big Apple Club. Under the supervision by Lt. Governor of Queens East Division, Kiwanis Club of Douglaston also went home with the 2018-2019 Distinguished Club Award. Kiwanis International is a global community of clubs, members, and partners dedicated to improving the lives of children one community at a time.
2018-2019年杰出副总监大奖的获奖者是皇后东区副总监Sandy Liew。此荣誉大奖是为表扬Sandy为社区和该地区的同济会成员做出重大贡献。“Sandy灌输了创新的方法来领导我们的同济会,我很荣幸能与她一起合作。” 道格拉斯顿同济会公关经理,Anthony Tam说。 “她凭借自己的远见和智慧来塑造同济会。她的领导赋予了无数繁荣的机会。” 大苹果同济会财务主管,Constance Sung说。在皇后东区副总监的精明的领导下,道格拉斯顿的同济会也获得了2018-2019年杰出同济会大奖。 国际同济会是一个由同济区会、成员和合作伙伴组成的慈善团体,同济精神是为改善社区的孩童生活,希望他们能够快乐成长。