2020 同济年刊
自从道格拉斯顿与大苹果同济会成立以来,会员们都精心的策划了许多对社区有利的各项活动。这些活动为我们带来了许多欢笑、乐趣、吵闹、回忆。我们都一一的记载在这年刊里与读者分享。一份传达同济精神的记录,精心记载我们会员对社会的努力付出。今年的同济年刊将会与往年不一样。别出新裁的内容,扣人心弦的故事,然你更了解同济对社区和会员的影响力。此外,我们希望借此年刊和读者建立互动的桥梁。为了让同济年刊成功出版,我们希望大家透过刊登广告支持我们。同时我们会秉持国际同济会的宗旨“关怀儿童,无远弗届 Serving the Children of the World”继续的为社会做出贡献。
同济会是一个成员遍布全世界的国际性公益服务团体。我们的志工社团,秉持一步一脚印的精神,致力服务儿童与社区,改造世界。 为了确保我们的服务宗旨得以实现,我们为各年龄层创建了屡获殊荣的计划。我们还参加了全球项目,以实现改变世界各地社区。
Since the establishment of the Kiwanis Club of Douglaston and the Big Apple, members have planned many activities to empower the community. These activities brought us a lot of laughter, fun, noises, and memories. All the stories will be shared through this journal. A journal conveying the spirit of Kiwanis, meticulously documented the efforts of our members contributing to society. This year’s our Journal will be different from previous years, it will be filled with great content, exciting stories, you can learn about our clubs’ influence on the community and its members. In addition, we hope this journal will represent the bridge between the clubs and readers. To get this journal published, please support us through the advertising campaign. We appreciate your help to build a new milestone with us.
Kiwanis International is a global community of clubs, members, and partners dedicated to improving the lives of children one community at a time. Kiwanis empowers members to pursue creative ways to serve the needs of children, such as fighting hunger, improving literacy, and offering guidance.