Celebrating Leadership, compassion, and friendship together.
The year 2020 is the most memorable time for us. We have been through the scariest moment in our lifetime, the pandemic, and the worldwide lockdown that caused the loss of many lives, businesses, and jobs, and we still have yet to find the vaccine to stop the spread of coronavirus. Today, we live our life differently and learn how to appreciate and care for each other more than ever. During this difficult transition, our club members are bigger and stronger together. We are grateful to all the club leaders who take up the challenges and lead the projects to provide relief to the community that we served. From Ronald McDonald’s house visit to Kiwanis One Day at King Manor Museum, our journey has left us with many masked pictures. Special thanks to our members, volunteers, and donors, who gave us all the support to accomplish these projects.
To commemorate the 5th anniversary of the Douglaston Club, we pushed the envelope to create the most remarkable journal. “This journal is a homage to our members, volunteers, and donors. It documented our achievements throughout the year. In addition, I took the opportunity to celebrate leadership, compassion, and friendship.” PR Manager, Anthony Tam said. The Journal features a personal interview with the key leaders from both clubs. They spoke about how Kiwanis inspired them and also gave an insight on how to lead the clubs to the future. “We are pleased to see how this journal came out. We hope the community can learn more about our clubs through this journal.” Chung Dick, President of Big Apple club said. The journal was designed and printed by Post Heritage, a Brooklyn based printing company. It will be circulated around the Chinese communities in New York City.