Posts in 慈善活动
Kiwanis Queens East division’s journey to Ronald McDonald House during the pandemic.

In collaboration with other clubs from the Queens East Division, we visited Ronald McDonald House at New Hyde Park, Long Island. We successfully brought in non-perishable food, juice boxes, surgical gloves, masks, face shields, hand sanitizers, and gift cards. Kiwanis Club of Douglaston & Big Apple thank all the members who donated and supported this project.

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道格拉斯顿与大苹果同济会义工团在12月23日,星期一早上九时在法拉盛的和美康老人中心举办圣诞与庆生联欢会,一起与长辈共度佳节。Sandy Liew, 东北皇后区同济会副总监:“我们希望长辈能够在佳节期间得到浓厚的关怀。”同济会义工团准备了一连串精心设计的表演如舞蹈、歌唱、同时也为十二月份寿星庆生和派发圣诞礼物。此外,Sandy也首次与京剧老师们献出表演。 我们特别感谢所有来自会员的踊跃捐款。

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