We Want to Hear From You.
It’s as simple as emailing kiwanis.douglaston@gmail.com.
If you have a great story for Kiwanis magazine, Kiwanis Update or the Kiwanis Club of Douglaston’s website, that email address is the first thing you need to know.
Kiwanis club of Douglaston is always hunting for successful service projects, fundraisers and membership efforts for publication in Kiwanis magazine, the Kiwanis Update newsletter and online at kiwanis.org. And though not all stories will be used, every submission is appreciated and considered.
Here are three suggestions that may help you submit a story idea to Kiwanis Club of Douglaston, as well as to local media:
You need great photos. In this age of social media and email overload, great images are essential to capture readers. MIT neuroscientists discovered that the human brain can identify an image in 13 milliseconds – faster than the blink of an eye. In less time than a potential reader can scan a headline or blurb, they’ve already decided if they want to read your story based simply on the image that accompanies it.
Keep it brief. You don’t need to write the story. But provide these essential details:
Why was this project needed?
What difference did this project make?
Where did it occur?
When did it occur, and will it be repeated next month or year?
How was the project organized?
Who, in addition to your Kiwanis club, was involved?
Provide contact information. If your submission is selected for publication, the editors will need the name, email address and phone number of someone who can talk about the project. Also mention the club’s name, including your state, province and country.
Add a link or two. Include links to news media coverage.